The celebration of National Ag Day was held March 21, 2017 in Washington DC.
National Ag Day is organized annually by the Agriculture Council of America (ACA) which was was started in 1973 with the goal to increase public awareness of agriculture’s vital role in our society. This year’s Ag Day celebration included a SMART farming panel with U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance (USFRA), awards, a Capitol Hill reception, and a proclamation from the president.
Presidential Ag Day Declaration –
Remarks from Ray Starling, special assistant to President Trump
USFRA panel featuring Andrew Walmsley, American Farm Bureau; Beverly Flores, John Deere; Lauren Schwab, Ohio pig farmer; Chip Bowling, Maryland corn farmer –
USFRA SMART Farmer panel
Agri-Women Advocate Ag Day Every Day
Doris Mold, American Agri-Women
Spark: Women in Agribusiness Podcast Host Sara Steever
Sara Steever, Paulsen, Spark Podcast
Ethanol Celebrates National Ag Day
Interview with Shannon Gustafson, ACE
GROWMARK Proud to Support Ag Day
Interview with Amy Bradford, GROWMARK
More audio:
Ag Day essay winner, Bridger Gordon
Ag Day Eastin Award, Sue Tebow
American AgriWomen #AgDay365
Jessica Niederer, Outstanding Young Farmer